Something to Ponder...

We all have the same 24/7, so why is it that some folks accomplish much and some so little? Myself, I feel the ticking of time loudly...the need to get busy and get with it is always rapping loudly at my door. I guess that is why I am always in motion...

Sunday, February 07, 2010


This past week has really been a wing-ding! Between the snow-storms and school, I have been reeling! I have not even had a chance to get to the gym, so I KNOW I have gained a few, instead of losing a few :( I haven't even had a chance to knit or read much either.

If you get the chance, check out the Amazon Kindle and give me some suggestions for a new kindle book purchase. I need to get a new download, and can' decide!

While you are browsing the internet, pop on over to Gena's needle craft store because you will be in for a treat! We are so lucky to have her here in Big Bear! She has so many eco-friendly yarn and products and you can buy on-line too. I am waiting o get a knitting book I ordered so I can mosey on over and pick out yarn for a baby blanket I am going to knit. Check it out and let me know how you like it.

Well, today's a new day, and the start of a new week! My history class is calling, so since I have an essay due in 2 days, I better get busy!

Friday, January 29, 2010

This has been interesting week, to say the least! We finally got dug out of the snow, and the city was able to get the streets plowed and widened. The snow is finally starting to squish down a bit and I think I would have less anxiety if the four foot accumulation on the top of the roof would start to melt and slide off. They say we are going to start another series of storms beginning Monday...what a way to kick off February! We will have to start another sno pool at and this time I will stretch it a little higher. Just need to convince someone I need to get the mail boxes uncovered so we can get some mail delivery.

Tomorrow morning at 9, the Bear Valley Community Healthcare District will hold another board meeting with closed and open items on the agenda that are keeping mouths jawing. The status of CEO, Vi Colunga will hopefully be played out, as this uncertainty is not healthy for the hospital and is keeping things from moving forward. The appoinment of an interim CEO/new CEO is also on the agenda, and most speculate it will be Rudy Shutta, the current interim CEO/CFO. He is such an unwise choice...a scared man that can't make a who has to keep rehearsing and rehearsing and makes no moves. They need to get someone who will lift the spirits of the employees and treat us with respect and caring. Youj can get more accomplished that way...honey and vinegar law. This time tomorrow we will all know more than we know now...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We did get a bit more snow today...a few inches. I am glad that is all it is, because we just started to get things a bit back to normal...groceries brought up the hill...gasoline...and linen for the hospital. WOW! The past week has really been a clustermug!

School started for me again this week. I am so glad to get on with it, especially since I could only get 2 classes out of 4 that I needed. My history professor seems to be pretty demanding...having a rubric for the way he wants you to post your discussions. Oh Brother! SO, I guess it is a blessing in disguise, yadda, yadda, yadda, because this class is going to be really annoying. I can already tell.

When the weather gets snowy and cold, something that takes my time and turns it into productive time is guessed it...knitting! Since a friend of mine (Evelyn) is expecting, I am busy knittiing baby booties, bibs, and caps. As soon as she finds out what she is having, boy or girl, I will get started on some blankets and sweaters. Nothing like little, tiny, soft baby things to make you feel like having another one...NOT! Evelyn is much younger than I, so she is still building a family, while I am brewing hot flashes! Besides knitting baby clothes, knitting soft wash cloths is also a worthwhile past time. You can use the pattern below to knit super soft cloths for a baby or adult bath, and if you want, you can use kitchen cotton and make them for your kitchen and dishes. They are fun and quick to knit!

**Quick Knitted Cloth**
You can vary the size of needle depending on the size of the finished cloth you want. I like to use size 7 bamboo needles for a small wash cloth, and larger size 10 bamboo for a kitchen cloth.
Cast on 4 sts
Row 1: Knit 1 row
Row 2: K2, YO, knit to the end
Repeat row 2 until there are 40 stitches (for a larger cloth, knit to 50 sts)
Next row: K1, K2tog, YO, K2tog, knit to the end of the row
Continue to decrease until you have 4 sts. Bind off.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Got to work on time this morning, eventhough the roads were still a "two egg road". I have to laugh at this, becaue you probably don't know what I mean....

Yesterday when we went out to get groceries and other supplies, I bought eggs. I held the
sack containing the eggs on my lap, but the road ride was SO BUMPY due to the icy ruts in
the road, TWO eggs broke in the carton!

By days end, they were getting the roads scraped down better and wider too! We got the Pacifica and Truck dug out, so tomorrow morning I am good to go on my own. It has been such a rough storm, getting more than 5 feet of snow all in one storm, and dropping down to -1.6F. Now THAT is cold!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So much to do today! We are just digging out of a HUGE snowstorm, and we are suppose to get hit with more storms beginning tomorrow. WOW! Getting more gas for the sno-thrower, getting some supplies in, and still must get ready to go into work tomorrow. Making up a list of easy things to cook, even with the electric power out! We can at least match light the gas stove if we have to.

The Spring semester starts officially tomorrow at SBCC. Have to get with it and in the groove so I can collect more credits towards my degree at the end of Spring. What a nice gift to myself!

Life is interesting, that's one thing I know for sure!